15 Year

Hello, Epiphany!
We are down to one week before we go into our Spring/Easter Break. Hard to believe! This last Friday we wrapped up the third quarter, this week we begin the fourth quarter, we take our one week of Spring Break, and then we come back to wrap up the school year with about eight more weeks of fourth quarter. Pretty exciting to be to this point.
Part of the excitement is due to the changes we will be making as we move into the fourth quarter in terms of COVID-19. You should have received information from us regarding all of the coming changes. Over the last few weeks we have been able to stop taking student temperatures in the morning, for example; but with the fourth quarter comes 5-day weeks for the Lower School, full use of lockers for Upper School, being able to let our Middle Schoolers reunite with friends during morning and afternoon breaks, and being allowed to have spectators at our Varsity Girls’ Soccer games. We will continue to follow Department of Health and CDC guidelines, but if they continue to lessen the guidelines we will be more than happy to comply!
Let’s enjoy these beautiful spring days, 
