We are a community of global citizens and neighbors where students view the world as a welcoming and beckoning place, full of mystery, wonder, surprise, and unforgettable memories.

As our name suggests, ensuring that students have access to meaningful global experiences is a key aspect of student success. By graduation, our goal is that 100% of our student body will have experienced at least one study abroad or distance learning opportunity. Our students will also strive to attain fluency in an additional world language and learn to appreciate the beauty and inherent value in cultures different than their own. We believe that respect, responsibility, service, and integrity are virtues toward which all should strive, not only in our communities but also around the world. 

global logo


Sandra Haddock

Director of Global Education and
Assistant Head of School

Global Experiences Abroad

We want students to have the opportunity to cast their horizons far and look beyond the limits they place on their future. Epiphany’s approach to global studies is based on meaningful contact with communities in faraway places and letting students experience what life is like through eyes a world away. Students will gain an inclusive perspective and an understanding of their potential abilities and international impact as they build meaningful connections with people and cultures from around the world.  We are preparing scholars for a global future where lines on a map no longer limit our connections and where appreciation for other languages and cultures brings us all together.

Recognizing that not all students are ready for independent travel, Epiphany works to bring cultural  performers and guest speakers to our campuses throughout the year.   Past cultural performance programs have included Taiko Drummers, Indigenous Dancers, Chinese Acrobats, Mali Drummers & Dancers, Japanese Tea Ceremonies, K-Pop Dancers, and many more.   

Students at The Epiphany School of Global Studies have explored the cultures and traditions in:

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Belize

  • Botswana

  • Canada

  • China

  • Costa Rica

  • Czech Republic

  • England

  • France

  • Germany

  • Greece

  • Guatemala

  • Haiti

  • Hungary

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Mexico

  • Netherlands

  • New Zealand

  • Peru

  • Poland

  • Russia

  • Scotland

  • Spain

  • Switzerland

  • Vanuatu

  • Zambia

  • Zimbabwe

Global Experiences Abroad


Exchange Students

Epiphany students have the opportunity to build relationships and better understand different perspectives by attending classes with international exchange students from around the world. 

We have welcomed exchange students from:

  • China

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Haiti

  • Italy

  • Mexico

  • Montenegro

  • Panama

  • Spain

  • Taiwan

  • Vietnam

Travel to Costa Rica and Beyond

Epiphany’s Global Education program allows the entire Freshman class to travel to Costa Rica each year for a week-long Spanish immersion and community partnership experiences.

More than 95% of our current 10th-12th grade students have traveled with the school to engage in learning opportunities in other countries, many of whom have traveled to multiple locations.

costa rica

Sparks Grants/Travel Service Grants

Grants are offered to help students afford international education opportunities. Please contact Sandra Haddock, our Director of Global Education, for more information.

If you are completing community service toward your Sparks Grant/Travel Grant, be sure to log your hours each time you finish a service opportunity. Students must also keep a paper log that will be turned in with the digitally-logged hours to Mrs. Haddock. All service hours must be turned in at least one month prior to the departure date of your trip.

Students: Log your service hours here.